


Hello!  I’m Edel Uno. My friends, parents and students call me ANNIE.
I’m from the Philippines. I love children and I love teaching. I've been teaching for about a years already. And now, as an owner of the school my first priority is to help more the children develop their self-confidence in learning second language. I want to assist students in their quest for the knowledge and the wisdom to be able to move forward one step at a time~  toward excellence. Best Of Friends English and Chinese school is a learning place to love & help your child develop his/her self-confidence, skills and intelligence. And a trusting relationship for the Years ahead. We’ll be waiting…
See you then Thank you.
GOD bless.


私の名前は、ジニー・ピーターズです。私は、アメリカで生まれました。夫と私は1990年に来日して、東京に住んでいました。私は日本の文化をとても楽しんでいます。日本に来てから、絽刺、書道を勉強しています。もちろん、日本語の勉強もしています。最近は、裁縫教室に通っています。5年前、私たちは徳島県に引っ越してきました。私の家族は息子のお嫁さんと4人の孫で大家族になりました。(なぜ、私が趣味で裁縫をするようになった理解できたでしょ。)徳島の田んぼや山々は、私に故郷の田舎を思い出させてくれます。私は4月から、Best Of Friends英会話教室で教えています。多くの子供たちが、英語を学ぶことに興味を持ち、英語が堪能になることで、どこの国の人達とも快適にコミュニケーションができるようになることが私の喜びです。
Best Of Friends

Welcome to Ginny’s Profile!  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ginny Pieters. I was born in the United State of America. In 1990 my husband and I came to Japan and lived in Tokyo. I enjoyed Japanese culture very much. Since first coming to Japan, I have been studying Rozashi, Shodo and of course Japanese language. Recently , I have been taking sewing classes. Five years ago we moved to Tokushima-ken. Since moving into Shikoku Island, our immediate family has grown to include a daughter-in-law and four grandchildren. ( now you know why I added sewing to my list of hobbies.)
 I began teaching English at Best of Friends in April 2008. To my delight, many Children are interested in learning English and it is my desire that they will become Proficient in English so that they will feel comfortable communicating in a global world. Working at Best of Friends is like belonging to an extended family.
Thank you.



Best Of Friends



Hello , my name is Irene , from Kenya. I have been in Japan for 8 years now. It seems like a long time. But days fly by very fast. I had to learn Japanese from the beginning. So, I appreciate how hard it is to learn a new language . I love working with kids and have been teaching English for 5 years now. Best of Friends has been a fun and enjoyable place to work . It seems the kids learn new words everyday and their English level improves each day. I have a ten years old daughter and I love to watch movies, read novels, travels, go out to eat but most of all, I enjoy cooking. Pay us a visit if you are even in the neighbourhood . 
Kwaheri >  bye- bye and GOD bless. Peace…

こんにちは。峯瀬 久実と申します。
Best Of Friends英会話教室は、独自のプログラムで、子供の英語能力を伸ばし育てる英会話スクールです。最年少3歳から「楽しく、使える英語を生活する中で自然に身につける」をモットーに日々楽しく子供たちと一緒に学んでいます。

このスクールでは、本当に子供たちがのびのびと英語をしゃべり、英語を聞き取っています。ビジターの方は、この子供たちの英語力にびっくりしていらっしゃいます。日々の子供たちの笑顔や笑い声と「Kumi!!」と呼びかけられることが私の元気の源です。一度、Best Of Friendsに遊びにいらしてくださいね。いつでもWelcomeです。



私はBest Of Friends英会話教室の一員であることを大変うれしく思います。それは、この教室が私の知識や能力を子供たちに教えることができる場所であり、なにより子供たちに愛情を注ぐことができるからです。

Best Of Friends

Hi ! Everyone , I’m Mejie Kagehara , a Filipina. I love kids and I find them as a friend to me.  I’m greatful to be a part of Best of Friends English learning school. It’s an opportunity for me to share my knowledge and talents; but, most of all to give my love and affection to my friends , the children. Inspiring your children to have self confidence in speaking English and encouraging them to do their best for a bright future are my goals. See you then….

ニーハオ。私はジン リ です。





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